15 February 2021
Last night the Government confirmed 3 cases of COVID-19 in the community. At 11.59pm, 14 February 2021, Auckland moved to COVID-19 Alert Level 3 and will stay at Level 3 until at least midnight, 17 February 2021. The rest of New Zealand moved to COVID-19 Alert Level 2.
The CFNZ Auckland office is now closed and staff and contractors are working from home. Our Auckland fieldworker has stopped face-to-face visits with people with CF and their families and will communicate via text, phone and email.
Our other 3 fieldworkers are based outside of Auckland and are following the Ministry of Health COVID-19 Alert Level 2 guidelines. At the moment they’ll continue to see people in the community if needed while maintaining social distancing and be guided by individual DHBs regarding inpatient and clinic face-to-face visits.
As we learnt from previous lockdowns, alert levels and information changes quickly. We encourage you to keep checking our website and Facebook page for updates.