Rolling Updates
Read all CFNZ updates about COVID-19 in New Zealand.
We're aware the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is causing significant concern, particularly within the cystic fibrosis community. The outbreak is a developing situation, and we are working with a panel of experts to answer some of the questions our community has been asking. The following page is intended to consolidate information and advice for the New Zealand CF community on COVID-19, so you can be informed when taking steps to protect yourself and your loved ones living with cystic fibrosis. We will continue to update our website with the latest information.
Read through all of the questions CFNZ has received, and answers provided by the Clinical Advisory Panel, since the start of Covid-19.
Everyone in New Zealand has been affected by COVID-19. Changing alert levels, lockdowns and uncertainty about what the future looks like can impact your mental health.
Is there anything you can do help “BOOST” the immune systems of your family members with CF? Two dedicated CF Dietitians have teamed up to give you some practical advice.
COVID-19 is scary and it’s rapidly changing just about every aspect of life as we know it. What isn’t changing is our commitment to supporting the CF community.
Help us support people with CF and their families through this unprecedented time.